Why Being Yourself Is The Most Beautiful Thing You Can Do To This World

Stop thinking about the big things you want to do for this world, instead, start from being your truly are, completely, with no doubt.

Shelia Regita Pasaribu
6 min readFeb 4, 2021

We all have a part of ourselves that we are not proud of. We assume that part is a shortfall, and is so ugly.

Eventually, we usually have two reactions to handle that ugly part:

  • We suppress it to the deepest level and hope there is no one looking for it.
  • We try so hard to change that ugly part of ourselves until it vanishes. When you are the only person who has it.

Also, we have a good part of ourselves, but we always look at someone who does or has it better. And back to the two points above.

Meanwhile, Jen Sincero says:

“You are on a journey with no defined beginning, middle, or end. There are no wrong twists and turns. There is just being. And your job is to be as you as you can be.” – Jen Sincero

Your job is to be as you as you can be. Why?

Because the ugly part and the good part of ourselves have their own function in this world.

It shapes us into us.

The magnificent and the fucked-up part of ourselves, laugh and rejoice at it.

So, how to embrace, develop, and even show it to the world?


Be courageous to look ugly

“It is better to be hated for what you are than to be loved for what you are not.” — Andre Gide

Let me start with the story of my own father. He is a very bold person, what he thinks, he said it out loud, he tells us the truth even if it hurts. Always.

How many of us have the courage to tell someone that their business will fall out? It is for the good, but, do you have that courage?

I spent 22 years of my life stressing about his “ugly” part and waiting for him to change.

Until one time, I was in a situation that needs someone who is strict and as bold as he is.

His ugly part had a purpose!

That situation switched my perspective of having the ugly part in ourselves.

His ugly parts make my dad who my dad is.

So, it is okay if you are bad at math if you are not capable of making funny jokes, have pimples, and cannot cook.

It is who you are. Be proud of it.

Being better is everything, but do not lose that part of yourself.

Yes, I know it’s a scary thing, we don’t know what will happen once you do it, but you can start from there and feel how relieved and free you are as yourself.

I call that peace.


It is okay to get what you want

You know, those things you could have done only if you accept yourself that you love to do it.

“In order to kick ass you must first lift up your foot.” – Jen Sincero

I have read a story from a book about a loincloth man.

It starts with two women camped in the wilderness area in Utah. While they were assembling their tent, her friend told her that she previously saw a wild guy wearing nothing but a loincloth.

Since her friend was a lousy liar, she did not believe him and only half-listened to her.

A few minutes later, when she was bending to get a hammer, she saw it; a tanned skin, naked legs, and holding a dead squirrel. A handsome loincloth man!

The next thing that happened was they asked him questions and he answered them friendly.

He told them that modern society unnecessarily complicated and misguided so much that he preferred to live on only what nature provided him, storing his grain in winter, sleeping in a cave, and cut his hair with a sharp rock.

The loincloth man was not worrying about what he should be doing or what he was missing out in this world.

He was just happy being true and honest to himself, at the moment, in the middle of nowhere.

Lifting up his feet doing the things he loves to do.


Do not compare yourself to others

“Comparison is the fastest way to take all the fun out of life.” — Jen Sincero

I am a person who loves to do silly things. I do it in front of people and sometimes on social media. I love to see people laugh, especially when I made them to. In my case, being silly and throwing up jokes.

Then I stopped it somewhere in the past because I have someone that I admired who doesn’t do that. The silly things.

I criticized myself for doing that. I hold myself from being myself because I compare myself with someone.

Because some bunch of people not doing that, I stopped.

I think that was bad because I did it, not them. That was so cruel — what I did to myself.

Because I know now that:

  • You are not going to invest in what other people believe you should invest in.
  • You are not allowed to be ashamed of yourself.
  • Do not let yourself be threatened by other people. Them and their opinions.

Have some fun and see what this world will bring to you.


Be honest and love yourself

“If we really love ourselves, everything in our life works.” — Louise Hay

You might hear this so many times. But you are maybe not exactly doing that.

First, acknowledge first about the ugly part and the beautiful part of yourself.

List down three items for each of them. Flashback and rewind your moments.

You have to notice them first. The situation like this:

“Yes, it seems like I am not making enough sales in my business, apparently business is not my greatest strength, but I learned something, now I gotta decide.”

“People are doing exercise that really exhausting, that HIIT things, I guess that is not just for me, I guess I just have yoga.”

“I care about people a lot, with non-sense deepness. And the people I care about shut me down for caring too much. I think I need to give them space, but I am not changing myself. I care and that is good, maybe I will just tune down the frequency.”

Accept that you have weaknesses, and sometimes to see other people reach their higher self in part that we have not.

Self-love doesn’t mean pampered yourself. It is about to accept, forgive, let go of the guilt, resentment, and criticism about your lowest.

And for your beautiful parts, stated it clearly that you have it. Be proud of it with gratitude.

Love yourself no matter who you really are.


Compromise, but do not lose part of yourself

Besides the ugly part and beautiful part, there is one thing that is the foundation of ourselves. It is our values.

Your values define your thoughts, words, and actions. It’s like a map. And it feels hurt if you disregard your values.

But, values are varying from one person to another.

Sometimes there are people who try to change our values and force us to follow their values, for the sake of a good relationship (for example).

Seriously, but don’t do that.

I have tried to ignore my values, I thought it was nothing. But, it is everything.

So, for whatever it is, don’t change that, but compromise.

Your values make you who you are. Yes, you. People will look out for your values.

Keep that.

Now imagine yourself waking up every morning, knowing what to do. Know your place and role on this planet.

Imagine how different your reality will be if you give yourself space for mistakes without having to feel the guilt and shame, and allowed yourself to be, to do, and have everything you desire.

That is the kind of world I want to live in, and you should too.



Shelia Regita Pasaribu
Shelia Regita Pasaribu

Written by Shelia Regita Pasaribu

I’m on the mission to always educate, develop, and added qualities to myself.

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