I Got My Cheatsheet in BrandingBrand Brilliance by Fiona Humberstone is the answer!Jan 28, 2022Jan 28, 2022
The Reasons Why You Always Feel Like You Have Nothing to Wear, and Where It Leads YouKamu pernah mengalami “engga tahu mau pakai baju apa” — setiap kali mau keluar rumah? Yes! Kita hampir selalu punya momen itu, so let’s…Sep 15, 2021Sep 15, 2021
Published inBootcampUX Writing Challenge — To Make Technology That Talks Like a Friend.Learn the logic of UX writing — for beginners and aspiring UX writer, this is for you.Jul 30, 2021Jul 30, 2021
Why Being Yourself Is The Most Beautiful Thing You Can Do To This World.Stop thinking about the big things you want to do for this world, instead, start from being your truly are, completely, with no doubt.Feb 4, 2021Feb 4, 2021